


Nuovo libro in uscita su Bruce Springsteen, la E-street band e i loro fans.

A New Book About Bruce Springsteen's
Darkness on the Edge of Town

Featuring stories and recollections by Bruce's legendary fans. Plus... Incredible never-seen-before original concert photos from the 1978 tour.

Bruce Springsteen's Darkness on the Edge of Town broke new ground for The Boss in 1978.
A counterpoint to the operatic elegance of Born to Run, the album was an angry, raw record that burst forth after a three-year hiatus.

Because of its darker tones, Darkness is a difficult album for the casual listener, but for Bruce's legion of dedicated fans, it is a cherished gem.
The Light in Darkness is a forthcoming book that celebrates this classic Springsteen work.

This new book allows fans to tell their tales of incredible shows from the 1978 tour and recount how this great Springsteen album has touched their lives.

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